Tuesday 25 December 2018

On self-esteem, fashion and clothes' sizes

Christmas has come and gone and now it's that time of the year again: The sales are on! I was browsing some of the online stores of my favourite brands and considering whether some of the pieces on sale would look good on me when a thought struck me. It isn't the clothes that need to "look good" on me. It's me who needs to look good in the clothes! It's the clothes that need to fit in my life, not the other way around.

Let me rephrase this: If a garment does not make you feel great, it's not your fault! It's the design/colour/fit/sizing that's wrong. Your body was there first, why should you struggle to adapt it to a piece of fabric?

So, if you find the "perfect" dress/skirt/pair of trousers etc. but when you try it on you don't feel like a million dollar, it's the garment that's not perfect! Remind yourself that there's nothing wrong with your body and leave those clothes at the store! The ones who should try harder to create pieces that work for us are the designers and fashion houses, not our bodies.

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